With your donation, you help us to empower communities through compassionate health services.  image

With your donation, you help us to empower communities through compassionate health services.

By giving, you directly support our hospital’s efforts to elevate the health and well-being of the children of Haiti.

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Give the gift of health to children and families in Haiti.

When you give to Grace Children's Hospital, you're not only providing needed health and nutrition education and medical services to children and families - you're also providing hope and empowerment. Our mission is to respond to promote health and well-being for the children and families of Haiti through caring service and the education of others.

Antoine is a child at Grace Children's Hospital in Haiti whose life you have saved thanks to your generous donations. Once suffering from malnutrition, he has since learned to take his first steps, say his first words, and make friends with everyone that comes in to visit. Because of you, he's been able to learn and grow, and now has a real chance at life.

Grace Children's Hospital/International Child Care USA has been working alongside the people of Haiti for more than 50 years. Our organization is governed by a volunteer board of directors whose members are not compensated for their service. Our financial records are independently audited by an outside firm each year and those statements are available to the public upon request. Results from our programs and a financial summary are available in our Annual Report. All gifts will go to the area most needed at the time to ensure your gifts are put to the best use.